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Visit to Hershey Park

This was a grand trip with all the little ones in the family and their parents in a van to Hershey Park, PA which is the home of Hershey Bars and Kisses - The Chocolate World.

Here we are entering the park: Hershey1.jpg (149580 bytes)      Hershey2.jpg (199622 bytes)

Meet the Hershey Characters:

            With Hershey Bar:   HersheyBar.jpg (192944 bytes) Gates is negotiating a deal - would he pose with them for a few pictures? Sure,  he  said, but only if you give me a hug. And so they lined up to give him a hug HersheyBear1.jpg (157252 bytes) and HersheyBear2.jpg (203109 bytes)

            With Reeses Cup: HersheyReese.jpg (173123 bytes)     HersheyReese2.jpg (154355 bytes)

            With The Symphony Bar:  HersheySymphony.jpg (168213 bytes)     HersheySymphony2.jpg (132783 bytes)

It was a lot of fun rides and walking for the tots  HersheyRide1.jpg (129233 bytes)       HersheySwing.jpg (150989 bytes)       

Poor Indu and Shibi wound up carrying HersheyOnIndu.jpg (197036 bytes)   Hershey3.jpg (209115 bytes) the tired kids.